Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Hope you all had an awesome Mother's Day with your children, your Mothers or someone who's filled that void in your life! I had a wonderful celebration with my family. My husband grilled out lunch with my amazing children assisting with side dishes & desserts!! Oh, and not to mention presents for their Momma! I'll admit it, I love presents & I got some wonderful ones! I have such an amazing family & I don't know why I've been so blessed but I'm so thankful that God has done it for me!

Baseball season has started here again. We are at a ballpark somewhere almost every evening & are loving it. Owen & Myer are playing wonderfully again this year. There is so much improvement since last year. They are really enjoying themselves & we are enjoying sharing this time with them!

Me & my amazing children; Regan, Tyler & Kelly.

Our "supermodel" pose!!

Me & my "baby boy"!

We are enjoying our time at the cabin & construction is coming along nicely. We hope to hve a large portion done by Memorial Day. I'll post pictures & get you all up to date later. By the all have a standing invitation to come to up & spend some time whenever you 'd like! Give us a call & we'll figure out a good time!! We'd love to have you!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

The Great Room...big blank wall will have a stone fireplace & chimney to the ceiling.

Looking from the great room thru the kitchen into the new master bedroom.

Looking into the new master bedroom from the new kitchen.

The view from the master bedroom (closet on the right) hallway with pantry on the left thru to the kitchen & greatroom.

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